
Thomas Fiddler Memorial Schools

Google Classroom and School Email

Google Classroom and School Email 

TFMHS teachers are expected to maintain a Google classroom webpage for each high school course taught. 

  • All students and staff are issued a email address. 

  • Students and staff will check the email address on a regular basis

  • Teachers email students an invite to the Google classroom site for each new Semester/Quadmester. 

  • Students accept the invite and will be taken to the virtual classroom site where they will find the complete package of classwork for the course. 

  • Students can work at their own pace to complete the work on line and submit completed assignments to the teacher via email or package drop-off. 

  • Students are also expected to attend regular classes (as scheduled)

  • The Google Classroom site will be used in the event of an unexpected closure due to water outage or inclement weather / poor road conditions. 

Note: We kindly request school emails be respected and used only for school business. Staff and students please send emails during regular school hours unless of an emergency situation. We would also like to remind everyone that Polite and Respectful language is to be used at all times when sending an email on the school email. Thank you!